Salvador Masterplan

The Masterplan for Itapagipe Peninsula, Old Town and Atlantic Margin in Salvador is structured as an initial instrument of the planning process in this region. The elaborate plan is integrating the general concept of action and intervention in the territory for various aspects – urban, economic and environmental, and was prepared in an integrated way with economic, financial and legal models, served as a guiding urban development of this region, which bills itself as the main central city. The diverse actions and interventions contained in the Plan associate proposals for public infrastructure and the use change scenarios and use of private land in an integrated manner, with the potential to generate collective gains for the entire city of Salvador.
Salvador, BA
Odebrecht Properties
Area (dimention):
2.000 ha
Architecture and Urbanism:
Héctor Vigliecca, Luciene Quel, Caroline Bertoldi, Ronald Werner Fiedler, Neli Shimizu, Carlos Collet, Carolina Passos, Claudia Bresciani, Cintia Castro, Luiz Marino, Maria Elisa Fernandes, Melissa Ramos, Pedro Ichimaru, Paulo Serra, Luci Maie.
Urban Hypothesis Coordination:
Vladir Bartalini (set-dec 2013)
Aldo Lanzi
Francisco Magnone
Gabriel Farias
Graphic Design:
Mauricio Lopez
Diego Morera
Claudia Bresciani
Marcela Ferreira
Maria Elisa Fernandes