Rio das Pedras Housing Complex

Social Housing Complex Rio das Pedras – Vila Mara
The social housing complex called Rio das Pedras, located in the neighborhood of São Miguel Paulista, composed by two identical blocks with 296 units each. Located in the east of São Paulo, it is a result of the collective effort from hundreds of families.
The complex was accomplished by the city hall of São Paulo where the comunity efforts were prioritized, in other words, constructions done with the work of families in self-management regime, with the own residents’ participation.
The project strategic is not only just about the buildings but also about the urban scale, emphasizing the public spaces of permanence. The complex is idealized and projected as a whole. However, it persists the notion of certain local scale, a sense of territory that gives to the residents a sense of home, of identity, of appropriation. It gives you a sense of care and be preserved.
The block, in this project, rescued as a fundamental element of the urban structure, for a larger integration with its surroundings and gives permanence sense and continuity to the spaces of the city.
São Paulo, SP
São Paulo City Hall / EMURB
Intervention area:
19.160 m²
Built area:
39.048 m²
Housing units:
592 units, 3 typologies, between 45,7 and 76,6 m²
Surrounding density:
122,8 hab/ha
Project density:
1.152,4 hab/ha
Architecture and Urbanism:
Hector Vigliecca, Bruno Padovano, Leny Omura, Hélio Rorato, Luciene Quel, Francisco Scagliusi
Associação dos Moradores do Conjunto Habitacional Rio das Pedras
Construction management:
Awny Mustafa, Meire Godoy, Augusto Camacho
Structural engineering:
Alleoni Engenharia / José Luiz Pereira
Foundation engineering:
MEP engineering:
Projetar Engenharia / MHA Engenharia
Andres Otero